Showing posts from December, 2009
No Strange Thing, These Resolutions
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"Resolution is no strange and extraordinary thing; it is one of the most common acts that belongs to us as we are men. But we do not ordinarily apply it to the best purposes. It is not so ordinary for men to resolve to be good as to resolve to be rich and great, not so common for men to resolve against sin as to resolve against poverty and suffering. It is not so ususal for men to resolve to keep a good conscience as to keep a good place." (John Tilloston, 1630 - 1694)
How To Think of the Incarnation
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"How are we to think of the incarnation? The New Testament does not encourage us to puzzle our heads over the physical and psychological problems that it raises, but to worship God for the love that was shown in it." (J.I Packer, Knowing God ) "The New Testament knows nothing of an incarnation which can be defined apart from its relation to atonement . . . Not Bethlehem, but Calvary, is the focus of the revelation, and any construction of Christianity which ignores or denies this distorts Christianity by putting it out of focus." (James Denny, The Death of Christ )
Immaculate Conception Day (Argentina, Chile)
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El amor de Dios"Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en El cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." (San Juan 3:16) El plan de Dios(Cristo afirma) "Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y para que la tengan en abundancia" (Una vida completa y con propósito). (San Juan 10:10b) ¿Por qué es que la mayorÃa de las personas no están experimentando esta " vida en abundancia "? Porque . . .
Dr. Warren Larson's Top Five Books on Islam
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Dr. Warren Larson , Director of Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies and Professor of Muslim Studies and Intercultural Studies at the Seminary and School of Missions of Columbia International University has published a "top 5" book list. Click on the link to read the article. My Top 5 Books on Islam Christianity Today A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction