
Showing posts from August, 2013

Finished reading: Daniel

 It’s been a tough couple of weeks. In short, I’ve been sick with no time off, so I’m burned out. I’ve been doing what it takes to get through a day, not much else.  I’ve decided to get the fitness thing going again by walking at least 15 minutes per day. I’ve not trained since 2020 and have been battling depression since leaving the University. I remember feeling better when training so I need to try again. High blood pressure and now officially diabetic—life goes on.  At least I finished one book.

Friday Fun with Mario and Luigi and Parkour


The Nightwatchman

Reading a historical account concerning whaling in the 1800’s, I came across a peculiar practice among Nantucketers that sparked a thought. The thought, I admit, involves a level of imaginative stretching so my caveat at the outset is to admit my conclusion is more interesting (to me, at least) than definitive or conclusive. Permit me to spare all the details and give a general overview, the seed of my thought. One particular captain lost his ship and spend a number of months adrift at sea with two other boats. Survival reached the point of desperation that led to cannibalism (an unspoken yet acceptable practice when necessary among early sea-men). Few men survived and were eventually rescued. Once back home, the captain returned to sea in a matter of months and in nearly the same waters as the loss of his first ship, the second was run aground and he once again returned home. The Nantucket whaling community responded to the first tragedy with great compassion, but following ...

"Gilgamesh" As A Benchmark

The Gilgamesh Epic is considered to be one of the first hero stories of antiquity. Any studious reader will find the story connected to one of the earliest documented world civilizations in early Mesopotamia, the kingdom of Sumer namely. Copies of the story have been found all over the Middle East written on clay tablets, which may indicate the story has a longer oral tradition. The epic as we have it today is the result of translation work from various pieces, some of which are still missing. Scholars admit the story’s development is traceable, so the form in which we have today represents the work of collected fragments. One curious note is that some ancient recorders seem to favor some stories over others, giving greater attention to details others completely ignore. Perhaps the greatest “claim to fame” of the Gilgamesh epic is the story of a great flood that seems to parallel that of the great flood recorded in the Bible. Some suggest in an attempt to discredit the Bible that the...

Book Review: "Shepherding Horses"

Humphreys, Kent. Shepherding Horses: Understanding God’s Plan for Transforming Leaders . Oklahoma City: Lifestyle Impact Ministries, 2010 Humphreys builds this leadership book on an allegory designed to narrow the field of influence concerning leaders. He proposes that within the flock for which the pastor is responsible as shepherd, horses have infiltrated. These horses are for Humphreys symbolic of strong workplace leaders within the church--and these leaders must be tamed. Humphreys begins by asking “What did Jesus do?” as the perfect shepherd. He proposes that horses are trained when they respond to the gospel, understand God’s principles, work, reproduce and relate to the Father. He continues by building on a vision that he suggests will transform cities and churches. The principle hinges on the the way leaders are equipped as ambassadors through relationships, understanding each other contextually and affirmation. The allegory on which the premise of the book is buil...

Think About

“The man who thinks he knows all the answers is either not a Christian at all or a Christian with a very defective sense of the mystery and wonder of his faith.” (Casserly, Langmead. Man’s Pain and God’s Goodness. Mowbray: London, 1951. P. 14)

The Bullet Journal

Been testing this out and am quite impressed with the whole system. It's rockin' my world right now!

Servant of the Lord: The Album

The apostle Paul settles a controversy in the Corinthians church through the inspiration of the Spirit by pointing out the source of the conflict: the selfish ambition of those in the fight. People were taking sides in the church saying that one teacher was better than another. Paul levels the field concerning the teachers emphasizing their unity by asking, “ What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one .” (1 Corinthians 3:5) 1 Corinthians 4 builds on this fact concerning the church leadership: “ Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. ” Here we find the first page of a photo album (if you will), a series of snapshots picturing the Servant of the Lord. The Servant of the Lord is (and some points are worth deeper exploration): Servant of Christ (1 Cor 4:1) Steward of the mysteries of God (4:1)   Trustworthy/faithful (4:2) Examined/assessed...

"Youth Ministry: What's Gone Wrong?"

Youth Ministry specialists are noticing that as technology accelerates, spiritual apathy among young people is increasing. Many teens are biblically illiterate, bored, and find the church to be irrelevant. Parents are frustrated. Youth leaders are burned out. And high school and college students — if they ever attended — are leaving the church by the droves. What on earth has gone wrong? Dr. David Olshine , director of the  Youth Ministry, Family and Culture  program at Columbia International University explores what needs to change and offers practical advice to youth ministry leaders in his new book, “Youth Ministry: What’s Gone Wrong?”   Olshine is the author and co-author of 19 books and is a regular contributor to  Youth Worker Journal . He is ordained in the United Methodist Church and has served for over 30 years as a youth pastor and lead pastor of a college-town church. He is also the co-founder of Youth Ministry Coache s, an organization that helps ...

A Fascinating Observation

“One of the world's premier sperm-whale experts, Hal Whitehead, began observing whales in [the Galapagos] in 1985 . . . . He has found that the typical pod of whales, which ranges between three and twenty or so individuals, is comprised almost exclusively of interrelated adult females and immature whales . . . . The females work cooperatively in taking care of their young . . . . Young males leave the family unit at around six years of age and make their way to cooler waters of the high latitudes. Here they live singly or with other males, not returning to the warm waters of their birth until their late twenties . . . . The sperm whale’s network of female-based family unites resembled, to a remarkable extent, the community the whalemen had left back home in Nantucket. In both societies the males were itinerants. In their dedication to killing sperm whales the Nantucketers had developed a system of social relationships that mimicked those of their prey.” Philbrick, Nathani...

And Now For Something Just A Little Different

I actually think Vivaldi would "like". "Vivaldi Tribute", played by Tina (14 y.o.), played on her Vigier Excalibur, teached and filmed by her teacher Renaud Louis-Servais 

Salvation Army Museum

The following pictures were taken with permission at the Salvation Army Evangeline Booth College Historical Center . What an amazing history to study! Scroll down for my personal favorite exhibit. The two pictures below shows the "Walkie-Coffee." It is a back-pack allowing the wearer to carry coffee (on one side) and soup (on another) as they did ministry while moving through disaster areas, giving physical and spiritual nourishment where it was most needed.

"I'll go it laughing"

“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” ― Herman Melville (Moby Dick)