Showing posts from September, 2017
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The other day we took a short road trip (no more than two hours, tops) up some back-roads to Ridgeway, SC then on up to Winnsboro, SC. Not much to see in Winnsboro but the South Carolina Railroad Museum and a stop sign that holds your attention long enough to read the green sign that points left to "Columbia." A right turn will take you to a red light that, if you wait long enough to make a left turn, will take you to a little dive that serves greasy burgers and good southern fixins'. Park in the dirt, step up onto the porch and in the door on your right and wait your turn to place your order in line past the tiny tables that, with ten people, completely fill the joint. Belly up to the counter that is no more than a shoulder-wide and tell the lady what you'll have. When she calls, grab your baskets and make your way out the door on the left and enjoy the sweltering summer heat that keeps the grease draining from your burger and nice cold tea. Or a Coke. But if...
Hurricane Prep, Day 4
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Different forecasters have different models but looks like we're still in "the cone." My prediction is the storm will move more westward before turning North--if it turns at all. Regardless, until it move on by, our guard remains "up." Today, matters will be more "around-the-house" focused--in no particular order. Car's already gassed up, so that's done. Pick up prescriptions; Get the house clean, per usual; Clean gutters and make certain yard drains are clear; Make room in the garage to bring in outside furniture and garbage cans; Tie down or remove fence gate altogether (latch is broken and having that heavy things banging in high wind can be dangerous). Take down outside lights, windchimes and the Flag; Charge all the chargeables (batteries, cell phones, laptops); Fill all the fillables (maybe on Sunday, if it looks like weather's turning); Get reading material together (see sidebar). I'm sure other things will demand...
Hurricane Prep, Day 3 "Two Cases, No Exceptions"
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Decided to make a couple stops on the way to the house last evening, one stop being at a smaller local grocery store. Signs taped on the door said "Two cases of water per customer. No Exceptions." I took that to be a good sign that water was available, so though I already have a water plan in place, thought I should take advantage of the opportunity. I grabbed the last basket and we made our way in. Boy was the place busy. Not far from the registers were pallets of gallon-size bottles with a sign "2 for $1.39." Noted. $1.39, huh? For a case? as of 6:00 a.m. today, by Intellicast Made our way to the back of the store and found one pallet with a couple cases of water left, six gallons per case. I lifted a case into our basket and left the other for someone else. Finishing our shopping, we were behind another fellow who (among other things) had an identical case of water. The store manager standing nearby saw our cases and came over, "you can only...
Hurricane Prep, Day 2
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University officials announced this morning that school will be closed Monday, September 11 due to the size of Hurricane Irma and the potential damages. This may also give some students an opportunity to find safe retreat with family or friends in other locations over the long weekend. HT: Marti A friend of ours (not a student) isn't worried. When commenting on the hurricane she said, "100 miles from the coast; 1 mile to the closest bar." I'm not worried either as my bar is in the garage. On the weight bench. Got back-up water bottles frozen and bags of ice stashed away. Just need to fill the coolers when it's time.
Hurricane Prep
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Hurricane Irma has slammed into Puerto Rico and at this point, the storm could still turn any direction. Regardless, our state has been placed under state of emergency by the governor. So with that in mind, the mix of overcast skies and a little rain made folks go a bit nuts. Already. Gas prices have been riding high for a few days now, but the stores are getting hit fairly hard. The store parking lot was full of cars and I witnessed folks sauntering out carrying loaves of bread and jugs of milk like prizes won in a fight. Inside the store it was not terribly bad--attitudes were good--but the water was gone. And the bread. Plenty of milk though, and eggs were 59 cents. So we loaded up on bread items that were left--though I can't figure out why all the sliced bread was gone but not the Ciabatta rolls. I'm not ashamed to put a slice of Spam on Ciabatta if I have to. Thanks for leaving the good stuff! Plenty of water-bearing fresh fruit left. Especially the waterme...
Trail Run
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Took a trail run at lunch today. 2.67 miles in 40 minutes and some change. I ran the trail "backwards" today because, well, this hill's been climbed enough. It was time to run down it today. A kind of a victory run, as it were. I needed a little victory run today. Tired of getting my butt kicked. Thought I would kick back today. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty of work getting to the top and by the time I decided to record this part of the descent, I had already come down quite a ways. And there were two more very large hills yet to climb before I got back to the start. Impossible to get anywhere around here without climbing a hill or seven. Today I just needed to get out in nature where nothing's in a hurry and everything's on time. Out on the trails, the only sound heard is the wind in the trees, the birds and squirrels gossiping, the occasional "plop" of someone's fishing line as they hide in the bushes on the banks of a priva...