Yesterday, I posted a link to a conversation going on over at " Friendly Athiest ." Richard posted his thoughts on the comment I left, but he did not leave a way for me to contact him in reply, so here it is: ************ Thank you for taking the time to write a response to my comment and thinking with me. I said in my comment, "AA does not work because of the absence of God as Objective Personality" to which you replied, "Let me guess. And that “Objective Personality” is only described in the Good Book, right? But we do have to have that description filtered through a human being’s subjective interpretation, right? Someone like perhaps………" Why call the Bible the "Good Book?" Where did you get that idea? The Bible records stories of people being burned alive, children being torn from the womb, mass killings, cannibalism, heads being cut off, hangings, stonings, rape, incest, adultery, lust, prostitution, bodies being eaten by worms, “me...