"Leadership in the church is not built on an individual’s natural abilities, education, common sense, or human wisdom. It is built on his knowledge and understanding of Scripture, his allegiance to it, and his submission to the Holy Spirit’s applying the truths of God’s Word in his heart and life. A man who is not clinging to God’s Word and committed to live it is not prepared to preach it or teach it. The truth of the Word must be woven into the very fabric of his thinking and living. Only then does the power of the leader’s integrity make an impact on those to whom he ministers.
Those who fail to be loyal to Scripture are largely responsible for the superficial, self-elevating preaching and teaching in many evangelical churches. That failure is the real culprit that has led so many to be converted to what they consider relevancy and therefore to preach a pampering psychology or a diluted gospel.
But the faithful pastor, like Ezra, will “set his heart to study the law of the LORD, and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances” (Ezra 7:10). He knows that the Bible is not a resource for truth but is the divinely revealed source of truth. It is not a supplementary text but the only text. Its truths are not optional but mandatory. The pastor’s purpose is not to make Scripture relevant to his people but to enable them to understand doctrine, which becomes the foundation of their spiritual living. "
MacArthur, John. "The Power of Integrity: Building A Life Without Compromise." Wheaton: Crossway, 1997.