Celebrate, Ents everywhere! You know how it is--you just get all settled in, snug under the covers, sound asleep then the next thing you know, the alarm clock goes off. Just five more minutes. Just five more minutes. Just five more minutes, etc. The past few weeks have been unseasonably warm here and I can’t help but wonder if the trees have been thinking, “Really? Already? Just five more weeks.” Trees don’t have snooze alarms. Or do they . . . ? Today marks the new year for trees, so if Ents celebrate, they do it slowly today. Actually, Tu B’shevat is the Jewish observance of this kind of new year, recognizing that trees begin waking from their winter naps and start blooming for fruit-bearing. Produce growers in the Holy Land separate out tithes from everything grown and the day is observed by eating fruit, specifically of the “seven kinds” described in the Torah (wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates). Four thoughts and one question from God's unchanging W...