Welcome, May!

The past few weeks have been stressful. Training new employees, dealing with difficult customers, not sleeping well, not exercising (I’ve gained 20 pounds in the last two years), getting through family drama (two life-threatening events in the same day, 2000 miles apart: my dad’s heart attack in NM and a 9 year grandchild starting the rest of his life with Type 1 Diabetes) . . .  My CrossFit lifestyle withered into oblivion when I lost my job at the University in 2020, as Covid got going. Deep depression brought me to a standstill as I took a few months to try to reset. Since then, my physical status has been on steady decline. Now my daily schedule looks something like this: Work 3-11 pm (on a good day), Go to bed at 4 am, get up between 10:30 am and noon, get booted up and go back to work. If I get one day off a week I’m fortunate. At least I don’t have to work all night for now. That was the worst.  So I haven’t had time or energy to do much, even read, much less write. And since my

The Forgiveness Factor (part 7): The Fragrance Of Forgiveness In The Gospel

If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you choose? You can always close your eyes if you don’t want to see something and you can plug your ears if you don’t want to hear--but you can’t escape smell. Sure, you can hold your nose (or breath), but you must breathe--and when you do, every odor comes wafting in. If you did not smell, you could not taste. You might not even remember, as smells connect us with times and places. You can see, even hear from a distance, but smell requires close proximity--unless you’re a vulture.

When I finish a long distance run, or a grueling training session outside, one might find me lying flat on my back in exhaustion. There have been times when laying on the ground, I look up in the sky and see buzzards checking me out, but they don’t mess with me because I smell alive. I may look dead, I may even feel dead, but those buzzards, who live by death, can tell the difference. Honestly, I am just troubled that they show up at all . . .

To those saved from sin, the gospel smells like life (2 Corinthians 2:14–15, 16b). Scripture connects prayer with incense and God calls us to make our lives a fragrant aroma. We do this by carrying the odor of Christ to others. His very name “Christ” carries with it the memory of sacred smell. “Christ” is Greek for “the Anointed One” connecting Him with the sweet fragrance of the anointing oil of sacred worship. Because of this, when we carry Christ with us, we smell like Christ. What does Christ smell like? The smell of life is smell of holiness. When we extend forgiveness to others, like Christ did for us, we spread the fragrance.

To those who remain unforgiven, who will not repent, the gospel smells like death (2:16a). Ever notice how things change when people around you “catch wind” that you’re a Christian? The world can’t figure us out, yet “watch your language around pastor” or “You can’t do THAT when she’s around.”

Being a Christian does not mean you can’t have pleasure or have fun. Do all to the glory of God! Do everything properly and in good order, enjoying Him as you do it! But that’s the catch--the lost want nothing to do with God, so they can’t enjoy anything to His glory. The world is it’s own buzz-kill.

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