Attack of the Wingdings

(WARNING: The following Blog is rated "L" for "Language")

You know what Wingdings are--these are the font you may select in your word processor that replaces letters with symbols.

You know what it means when you are reading, say, a comic strip and you see a string of symbols when the character is talking? It means one is using bad language, cussing up a storm.

As this program I am currently using does not support wingdings, I cannot type them here--perhaps that is best. Here is why: I am so hopping angry and there are not enough wingdings in the world to express what I would like to say right now.

I just heard on the news that a bill is being passed for mothers who are aborting their children to have administered to the soon-to-be destroyed child PAIN KILLERS!

Yes! It is true! SRN News just reported it! Then they played a sound byte of some (insert wingdings here) liberal stating that science confirms that an unborn child has a higher level of sensitivity than that of a newborn (albeit, "live") child; hence the pain killers.

Why? Because its the humane thing to do.

Insert Wingdings here.
My Nouthetic brethren, I stand admonished.

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