acting as an atheist

"Fathers! Your children are immortal beings! The stamp of eternity is upon them! Everlasting ages are before them! They are like the rest of the human race--depraved, guilty, and condemned creatures; and consequently in danger of eternal misery! Yet they are, through the mercy of God, creatures capable of attaining to glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life.

Looking upon them in this light, what should be your chief concern for them--and what should be your conduct towards them?

Fathers! Your children are hastening to either eternal happiness--or eternal torment!The man who does not make the eternal welfare of his children, the supreme end of all his conduct towards them, may profess to believe as a Christian--but he certainly acts as an Atheist!

Once more let it be stated, and stated with all possible emphasis--that the chief design of this work is to form the pious character of its readers, and to implant those virtues which shall live, and flourish, and dignify, and delight--infinite ages after every object that is dear . . . to avarice or pride, to learning or science, to taste or ambition, shall have perished in the conflagration of the universe!

It is in the highest degree inconsistent, absurd, cruel, and wicked--for a Christian parent not to be supremely desirous of the everlasting welfare of his children! Let a supreme concern for their immortal interests be at the bottom of all your conduct, and be interwoven with all your parental habits!"

by John Angell James, 1825

One of my children is one month from being 18. Another's voice is changing and is joining the ranks of those tall enough to look me in the eye. Conversations are less childish and more mature. "Responsiblity" and "trust" are common topics around the house. Time is slipping away . . . The Bible needs to be open more in my house, because therein lies under the power of the Holy Spirit all we need for change and growth in conformity to the image of Christ.

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