signing off

About 10:30 at night my body shuts down so its off to bed I go. Last night, my darling wife sent me off to bed with a medley of ring-tone serenades. She was setting ring tones in the phone and my approach for our goodnight kiss was greeted by "Irish Eyes Are Smiling." She is really more German, but the effect was cute. We laughed.

After enjoying the moment, she cued up the next tune on the phone list, "Love Me Tender." Oh, how cute, and other such remarks were exchanged.

The next ring tone seranaded us with "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." Awwww.

One final kiss, and I was off to bed . . . to the tune of "The National Anthem".

(If you don't "get" the implications of the last tune, ask an older person about "The National Anthem" and late-night television.)

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