Stuff I never thought about . . . and a few things I have.
Heard this awesome speaker today. Did not take notes. Made me think. Here are my reflections in my own words:
When Jesus was tempted by Satan, the whole affair occurred in the deepest of mystery: Creation took on Divinity. From the desert to the city, from the city to a mountain. Did it really happen? Was it figurative? Well, the danger of starvation was real. The danger of being smashed on stones was real. But is there a mountain from which all kingdoms can be seen? Deep mystery does not mean it was not real.
The areas of temptation were not overtly sinful, so why call them “temptations?” Is it a sin to eat? Is it a sin to look to God for protection? Is it a sin to be Lord over all creation?
When Jesus was baptized, the Father proclaimed the Sonship of Jesus as the Holy Spirit descended like a dove. When Satan tempted Jesus, he questioned, “If you are the Son of God . . .” as if to ignore God’s proclamation and thus cause Jesus to declare His Sonship on Satan’s terms.
Jesus was tempted by Satan to sustain Himself. Jesus had been 40 days without food. After all, what good is an emaciated Messiah, or one who dies from starvation? Eat!
Jesus is never seen to do any miracle for himself. Ever. He never makes a glass of water when there was none. He never made a pillow for his head when the disciples were not looking.
How is it that man lives on the word of God and not bread? Isn’t God the one who declares the end of days from the beginning? Isn’t God the one who forms man in the womb? Isn’t God the one who demands a man’s soul from him? A command comes from the mouth of God to create or destroy . . . and Jesus is the sustainer of all creation, the very one who holds all things together. No person will die before God’s time, much less from starvation. Jesus literally depended on God for his very life during those days.
Jesus was taken from the desert to the temple, to be tempted by Satan to throw Himself down from the highest point. Why not tempt Him to jump from a cliff? Because nobody would see it. Satan tempted Jesus to declare his Sonship by floating to the ground in the public eye. The Pharisees and Sadducees would accept His Messiah-ship and he could get on with His rule that way!
And what’s this about worshipping Satan? Even though He created all things and is to inherit all things, here is a chance to escape the long hours of pain to the point of death that is to come by just spending a moment in abject humiliation of bowing the knee . . . for what?
Consider: the Lord of Heaven and all it contains being offered the kingdoms of the only planet in the universe that contains human life. Heaven vs. pale blue dot. Glory vs. dirt. Hmmmmm.
Coveting vs. contenment.
Lust vs. satisfaction.
Worship of the true and living God vs. the worship of a god of one’s own making.
Is Jesus being tempted to break the 1st, 2nd and 10th commands? One can only Gasp!
Think about this:
Israel was born in captivity, in Egypt no less and had to face the terror of death by sword. Jesus was born and had to flee to Egypt or else face the terror of death by sword.
Adam was placed in a world surrounded by food and Satan tempted by questioning God and the well-fed Adam blew it with just one bite from a source that looked good for food.
The 2nd Adam was without food, Satan tempted by questioning God and the emaciated 2nd Adam did not eat . . .
40 days of fasting reminds one of 40 years of wandering.
12 disciples reminds one of 12 tribes.
Could it be that Jesus is the only Jew that got it right? The 2nd Adam? Completed what those generation of Jews could not—passing through the desert (wandering) to the city (conquest) to the mountains (blessing all the nations—which He does anyway)?
Why did He do this? So we could memorize verses to recite when we are tempted?
Heb 2:18 For in that He Himself has suffered, having been tempted, He is able to rescue those who are being tempted.
Heb 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted just as we are, yet without sin.
And the Bible says angels came and ministered to Jesus. Fed him? Bore him up in protection, as Satan quoted from the scripture?
He did it so we can be rescued. He did it so we don’t have to be tempted. We are now free to do what we should, not what we want. If we accept by faith His death on our behalf for the payment of our punishment, and He in turn gives us His life, we are delivered from the bondage of sin . . . like lust, coveting, idolatry, etc.
There are two ways to get into the White House after hours:
1) Step over the fence and see how many steps you get before you are lit up like a laser-tipped Christmas tree and are tackled by a football squad of guards.
2) Knock on the door with a member of the W. Bush family at your side. You will get in only by saying, “I’m with George” or “I’m with Lara.” And he or she must agree.
There is no entrance into the kingdom of God unless you are born again, having repented of your sin. You will stand at the bar of judgment and will only be seen into heaven by saying, “I’m with Jesus.” And He says, “He’s with me.”