Showing posts from March, 2010
The Reason I Write (and The Reason You Read)
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Near the exact middle of his classic war novel, " Im Westen nichts Neues (All Quiet On The Western Front)," Erich Maria Remarque makes a startling statement through his main character: "Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire, mines, gas, tanks, machine guns, hand-grenades--words, words, words, but they hold the horror of the world." Remarque understood the power of words, using them to display the fulness of life and the horrors of "The Great War" (World War I) before our eyes. George Orwell was about eleven years old when "The Great War" broke out and he, too, understood the power of words (is it any wonder both writers have been banned). Orwell's 1946 essay, " Why I Write ," proposes how words in their right arrangement "share an experience which one feels is valuable and ought not to be missed." This is one reason of four Orwell suggests that one would write, for "aesthic enthusiasm;" that is, for the joy of word...
"Refresing Biblical Studies for Preaching and Teaching"
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Studying the Bible week in and week out for preaching and teaching, the pastor can find himself falling into dry routine. How to refresh? Here are three suggestions from Dr. William Larkin , professor of Bible, Greek and New Testament at the CIU's Seminary and School of Missions . A more comprehensive list of Dr. Larkin's publications and lectures can be found on his faculty webpage . Dr. Larkin teaches the following Online courses: BIB 5133 - Acts to Revelation ( Online ). Coursework begins May 31, 2010 and ends August 6, 2010. Register by April 30, 2010. GRE 6210 - Greek 3: From Exegesis to Exposition ( Online ). [ GRE 5110 and GRE 5111 pre-requisite] Coursework begins August 24, 2010 and ends December 12, 2010. Register by August 2, 1010. ICS 6024 - Understanding Cultures & Worldviews ( Online ) with Dr. David Cashin . Coursework begins August 24, 2010 and ends December 12, 2010. Register by August 2, 1010.
Why Visit the Land of the Bible?
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Dr. Bryan Beyer , professor of Bible, Hebrew and Old Testament at Columbia International University's Seminary and School of Missions shares some compelling reasons through 1 Samuel 17 in his article," A Fresh Look at the David and Goliath Story: Why Pastors Need to Visit the Land of the Bible ." Dr. Beyer teaches the following Summer 2010 courses in Atlanta, Georgia : BIB 5112 - Genesis - Song of Solomon: God's Plan of Creation & Redemption (June 14 - 18) BIB 5113 - Prophets: God's Message of Redemption & Judgment (June 21 - 25)
On: Dumpster Diving
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Lars Eighner's 1993 book Travels with Lizbeth includes the chapter, "On Dumpster Diving" wherein he recounts some very specific lessons learned from three years of living as a homeless person. Eighner was not always a homeless person as his life experiences include working as an attendant in a mental institution and college instructor. He was one of those whose sitation left him in the precarious position from which he wrote. Through this work specifically, Eighner demonstrates expertise in areas that we may find instructive, and perhaps be challenge to a level of personal reflection. Eighner would like us to understand a few basics starting with the discovery: what is a dumpster? The word "dumpster" is actually the name of the company that makes the product we know as the dumpster, the Dempsey Dumpster Company. Interestingly, the company has no generic name for the product. Eighner would like us to understand there is a vast range of meaning as well as thought...
"Eternal Destinies: What Happens When I Die?"
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"'Is there life after death?' That question has fascinated people in every generation, hasn’t it? If you wonder whether contemporary culture is any exception, all you need to do is remember the television show “Highway to Heaven” and the movie “Ghost.” Personally, I never watched the television show, and I never saw the movie. Why not? Because I know the answer to the question, “Is there life after death?” The Bible says, without hesitation, 'Yes.'” Read the full article on Eternal Destinies by Dr. John D. Harvey , professor of New Testament and Greek, Columbia International University, Seminary and School of Missions . Dr. Harvey teaches the following Online courses: BIB 5410 - Hermeneutics: Interpreting and Applying the Bible ( Online ). Coursework begins May 31, 2010 and ends August 6, 2010 Register by April 30, 2010. GRE 5110 - Greek 1: Beginning Grammar ( Online ). Coursework begins August 24, 2010 and ends December 12, 2010. Register by August 2, 2010...
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To whom may I recount my sins, with all their pains and woe? And where shall my detail begin; And who can stand to know? My wicked tales in someone's ear-- how can I stain their head? So how to tell and cast my fear of sinful guilt and dread? My own life cannot bear the load of all that I have done! How can I take you down my road? There is none, save but One. Confession gives the soul all good, so who should stoop to hear? 'Tis Jesus Christ (thank God alone), He all my life can bear.
St. Pat's in Five Points, 2010
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We had an incredible day during the St. Pat's in Five Points Festival. The parade started at 10:00 and a few hundred gospel tracts were distributed. The pre-parade crowd heard some open air preaching on God's love, then we went to the park for some one-on-one conversation. After more open air preaching at another gate, we headed back to the main gate where over 600 gospel tracts were distributed in less than half an hour. Here are some videos of the day:
U-mabonga-kutuk-izizwe-zonke and The Warning to the Nations in Psalm 2
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Solomon was right: there is nothing new under the sun. I am amazed at the ongoing objections concerning the relevance of the Bible today, yet within those very objections is proof enough that the Bible is indeed very relevant. Objectors do not realize how they confirm scripture by their very act of rebellion. We find ourselves in the unique position to view an incredible display of God's omniscience as He reveals what is on the hearts, minds and in the actions of His enemies. This, too, demonstrates the relevance of God's Word today as what God reveals continues without abatement today. They bring nothing new to the forum, but a tired excuse to disbelieve God. When David was inspired to ask, " why are the nations in an uproar ," he was reflecting on old news and from our perspective, nothing has changed in that regard: the nations are still in an uproar as they try to cast off the rule of God. What should the nations be doing? The book of Psalms alone contains a small...
What Made Her Great
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2 Kings 4:8ff records an incident that goes nearly unnoticed. Elisha and his servant, Gehazi, cross over into Shunem and meet a woman described as "great," or, "prominent." When Elisha comes near, she actually persuades him to eat some food she has apparently prepared for him. Her home became as base of operations (of sorts) for him, for each time he came through the neighborhood, he stopped off at her house to eat. Why was this woman was considered "great" or "prominent?" She fed the prophet, sure; but, there must have been something else that caused the Holy Spirit to inspire the writer to make certain she recieved this designation. We get an idea of that "something" through what she says to her husband. " Behold now, I perceive that this is a holy man of God passing by us continually. Please, let us make a little walled upper chamber and let us set a bed for him there, and a table and a chair and a lampstand; and it shall be, wh... - Scientists: Latest Deadly Quakes Are Just a Coincidence
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- Other Apps - Scientists: Latest Deadly Quakes Are Just a Coincidence Posted using ShareThis Actually, these are one of many signs of the end-times. Review this checklist found in Matthew 24:4-8: [ ] And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many will come in My name, saying, I am Christ, and will deceive many. [ ] And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled, for all these things must occur; but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. [ ] And there will be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in different places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Simon of Cyrene: “Crucial Man”
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A student was drifting off to sleep in class again when the teacher finally had enough and pounded the desk. “You know, if you would quit goofing off at night and get a good rest, you will be able to stay awake and in the ‘land of the living.’” The student sleepily replied, “but I’m a superhero at night.” Ok, perhaps this is not the best example of the one who comes swooping down into a desperate situation to bring a victim to victory. Nevertheless, we nowadays are in awe of that masked man (though we know him as an outside observer). Who was he? Where does he come from? (**whoosh**) There he goes. There is a man in the Bible who very closely fits this approximation. His name is Simon, and he comes in a very unusual circumstance at a very unusual time. Unusual, because it is the hero of mankind (as it were), our Savior who is in distress. We don’t know much about the man—he suddenly disappears as fast as he appears; and, something incredible happens to him. “ After they had mocked Him,...
Kindness, part 2
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John 5:1-18 is the record of Jesus showing a particular kindness to a lame man. Why not say Jesus performed a miracle? There certainly was a miracle performed, but there is much more, which will become clear. The man received not one, but three acts of kindness in the miracle. First, we notice that Jesus gave this man freedom from his physical condition. Immediately I recall and contrast the request (and failed attempt) of Houdini to restore the amputated leg of a French actress (see previous post on “Kindness”). The man had not been able to walk for many years, until Jesus confronted him, “Do you wish to get well?” Obviously the man not only answered in the affirmative, but also provided a history of what had been attempted for him previously. There is nothing anyone could have done to help the man and he remained immobilized in his condition. Jesus heals the man, who is immediately “up and running,” so to speak. The second kindness we notices is that Jesus gave this man freedom from ...
What did they really want?
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Matthew 27:18 reads, “ For he knew that because of envy they had handed Him over .” Jesus was standing before Pilate, hearing all the abuses the chief priests and elders were raising against Him. The governor was amazed that Jesus said nothing in return. What did they want from Jesus that they did not have that they should envy Him? The Merriam-Webster definition of envy is, “the painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another with a desire to possess the same advantage.” An obsolete definition is simply, “malice.” Middle English and old French (envie) and the Latin (invidia), have been understood to mean, “grudge, jealousy, ill-will.” This includes the idea of coveting, craving or desiring. The Greek word used in the passage is pronounced “fthontos” and means, “spite, jealousy.” So what were the people jealous of? What did they covet of Jesus? What was driving their desire that they should turn Him over to be killed? This can cause us to press toward anoth...
Texas College Campus Divided Over Bible for Porn Campaign - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
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Kindness, part 1
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The great Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy, was passing along a street one day when a beggar stopped him. Tolstoy felt through his pockets for a coin, and finding none said with regret, “Please don’t be angry with me, my brother, but I have nothing with me. If I did I would gladly give it to you.” The beggar’s face flamed up in a smile and he said, “You have given me more than I asked for. You have called me brother!” "Kindness" carries with it the idea of family or lineage; fundamentality in nature or quality; unification through similarity or a relationship by some commonality. Kindness is relational and warm, living. Kindness is useful, and beneficial for more than one share it. Simply put, kindness is a beauty. Kindness that is cold, detached and dead is bribery and cruelty. It is impossible to be kind and think of yourself. Kindness and thinking of self is not kindness at all. There is no kindness in selfishness. French actress Sarah Bernhardt, touring the States in 1915, “wa... - Massive Head of Pharaoh Unearthed in Egypt
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