So much has been happening that I’ve not had time to write.
That’s the bottom line. Sad, but true. Inexcusable? Probably . . .
For the past few months, the Lord has been taking our family
on an exciting journey of life (in general) and ministry. I have personally been
enjoying a return to the music ministry and the family is along for the ride as
well! The only difference for me is that in the past I’ve had instrumentalists
and choirs. I’ve never been the
principle instrumentalist, until now. A
few months ago I was praying that the Lord would draw our family even closer
together (everyone’s interests had us going so many different directions)—to my
great surprise, music brought us back together again!
I play guitar, our oldest son plays Bass, all the girls sing
(including our son’s long-time girlfriend—who is practically our daughter,
anyway). Both our oldest daughter’s boyfriend and our second-daughter’s husband
play percussion. Our youngest son is still exploring (gravitating toward
percussion and media). We have quite a band!
Years ago I taught myself guitar and I am still learning.
Personal practice and band practice are most important right now and consume
much of my time—after work and other responsibilities, of course. Sadly, I’ve
not had time in my schedule to exercise, but am finding now that I must take
the time. Certainly with my knee going wonky, my exercise routine has already
been challenged but I must begin again, regardless. The same is true of my writing. I want to
write so badly! I even started a new blog just for that purpose!
Remember that sensation of touching things after you dipped your
fingers in hot wax? Remember how hard your fingertips felt and you had to
actually look to make certain you were actually touching something? The
calluses have returned to my left hand and using the computer keyboard is just
plain weird. I make more typing mistakes because I can’t feel the keys on my
left hand. The fingertips are hard as rocks from playing guitar and make their
own clicking sound on the keys.
I love writing and my love for music has returned.
So please bear with me and I will post as I am able.