Preserving The Spartan Way

  This reading in Plutarch’s “Lives Of The Noble Grecians and Romans” covered chapters 51-55, comparing two Greek-Spartan leaders, who reflected Plato’s political ideal, with two Roman leaders, who reflected Aristotle’s political ideal. Chapters 51 and 52 introduce us to the Spartan kings, Agis and Cleomenes.  Sparta was in danger losing their Spartan ways, embracing luxury over discipline. Agis proposed to return people and country to their heritage by proposing a cancellation of all debt and redistribution the land of the wealthy to citizens “who were fit for service as able-bodied soldiers.” Opposition was instant as the rich dug in their heels against losing power and status. Ultimately, Agis was killed by the rich under the leadership of his half-brother, Leonidas.  After Leonidas died with his “300” in the last day of the Battle of Thermopylae, his son, Cleomenes, rose to power. Observing the deepening apathy and laziness of Sparta, Cleomenes grew curious about Agis’ model of gov

"How do I help someone who does not want help?"

I received an e-mail from a reader who asked "How do I help someone who does not want help? What do I do about people who don't want to change no matter how much we try to help? Do I stop communicating with them?"

These are some excellent questions, though difficult to answer in this forum. I will let you know that your situation is not unique and there are many people who are asking the same questions.

A good starting point toward an answer would be to recognize that we all needed help before we wanted it (Romans 5:6, 8). What would your answers be to the following questions?

1) What does Job 6:14 say a despairing man needs, and for what reason?

2) What does Galatians 6:1 say to the one who does the ministry of restoration?

Without knowing the details of your situation, I really don’t know how else to counsel you on this matter, but here are some things to consider:

1) Do you have all the facts concerning the individual?

2) Is their situation as bad as you thought? As bad as they thought?

3) Who does their situation really impact the most? What is the worst that can happen?

4) Sometimes the best thing we can do is provide an environment where change can take place in a person. Where are you getting your strength and support?

I pray this helps!

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