Preserving The Spartan Way

  This reading in Plutarch’s “Lives Of The Noble Grecians and Romans” covered chapters 51-55, comparing two Greek-Spartan leaders, who reflected Plato’s political ideal, with two Roman leaders, who reflected Aristotle’s political ideal. Chapters 51 and 52 introduce us to the Spartan kings, Agis and Cleomenes.  Sparta was in danger losing their Spartan ways, embracing luxury over discipline. Agis proposed to return people and country to their heritage by proposing a cancellation of all debt and redistribution the land of the wealthy to citizens “who were fit for service as able-bodied soldiers.” Opposition was instant as the rich dug in their heels against losing power and status. Ultimately, Agis was killed by the rich under the leadership of his half-brother, Leonidas.  After Leonidas died with his “300” in the last day of the Battle of Thermopylae, his son, Cleomenes, rose to power. Observing the deepening apathy and laziness of Sparta, Cleomenes grew curious about Agis’ model of gov

What's the difference between one who goes to church and one who does not?

"I fear many of you are going to endless misery, and you are not doing so like many of my countrymen, who never go to church at all, but spend their time at home or in the public house. There might be said to be a Scotch way of going to hell, and this seems to be it: You have got the Shorter Catechism in your head, your Bible in the one hand, and communion bread from your minister in the other, but the world is in your hearts, and hell fire will be the end of it 'except ye repent.'"

Quoted by William Reid in "Look to Jesus." (1814 - 1896)

"God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

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