Starting today through February 24 is the Jewish holiday, “The Feast of Purim,” or “The Fast of Esther,” recalling the events that led to and resulted from Esther’s two fasts. “Fasting” is the generally described as the practice of withholding from eating for a period of time. What caused this Esther-person to stop eating, twice; and, why recall the event even today? Ahasuerus (also known as the Persian King, Xerxes) gave a massive feast to basically show off his wealth, including Vashti, his beautiful queen; but, she refused to participate in the festival (wanting to shame the king) and was banished by irrevocable law. Ahasuerus stormed off to war against the Greeks and when he returned four years later, held a beauty contest to look for a replacement queen. Esther, a relative of Mordecai (a Jew), wins the kings heart while Mordecai saves the kings life after uncovering an assassination plot. Haman (an Agagite) receives a promotion and nurses his hatred against Jews because of Mordec...