Finished Reading “Heretics”

  "G. K. Chesterton, the "Prince of Paradox," is at his witty best in this collection of twenty essays and articles from the turn of the twentieth century. Focusing on  "heretics" - those who pride themselves on their superiority to Christian views - Chesterton appraises prominent figures who fall into that category from the literary and art worlds... those who hold incomplete and inadequate views about "life, the universe, and everything." He is, in short, criticizing all that host of non-Christian views of reality, as he demonstrated in his follow-up book Orthodoxy. The book is both an easy read and a difficult read. But he manages to demonstrate, among other things, that our new 21st century heresies are really not new because he himself deals with most of them." (Goodreads)

New Evening Classes for Men

All are welcome, open to men only. Newlyweds, sign up early!

Note: due to the complexity and level of difficulty each course will accept a maximum of eight partcipants.

The course covers two days, and topics include:


"How to fill ice cube trays." Step by step guide with slide presentation.

"Toilet rolls: Do they grow on the holders?" Roundtable discussion.

"Laundry Basket and Floor: a Study in Contrast." With graphic presentation. Team try-outs at Hamper Practice (Shirts and Skins).

"Dishes and Silverware. Do they levitate, fly? How do they Really get to the Sink or Dishwasher?" Panel Debate during lunch.

"Loss of Virility." Losing the remote control to your significant other. Resources, Help-line and Support Groups.

"Learning How to Find Things." Step-by-step demonstration starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while shouting, "It's not there!" or "We've run out!"


"Empty Milk Cartons: Fridge or Recycling Bin?" Group Discussion and Role play.

"Health Watch: Bringing HER Flowers is not Harmful to YOUR Health." PowerPoint Presentation.

"Real Men Ask for Directions when Lost." Real life testimonials from men who did.

"Is it Genetically Impossible to Sit Quietly as She Parallel Parks?" Driving Simulation.

"Living with Adults: Basic Differences Between Your Mother and Your Wife." Role Playing.

"How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion." Relaxation and breathing excercises.

"Remembering Important Dates and How to Call When You are Going to be Late." Calendars, PDA's and Cell Phones Required.

"Getting Over It. How to Live with being Wrong All the Time." Counseling Available.

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