As promised in the blogs since Sunday, here are some suggestions for getting the conversation started and how to evangelize animists/New Agers. Note: this is not going to be an “overnight” process, unless the Lord has already been at work and you get to reap what someone else has sown. Otherwise, be prepared to cultivate a relationship that the following may be accomplished:
Getting the conversation started with animists/New Agers:1. Ask questions:a. General (these put the burden of proof back on an objector):
i. “What do you mean when you say _____?”
ii. “How do you come to that conclusion?”
b. Specific
[i]i. Ask, “How, if we are divine, could our mere ignorant self so easily override our divine goodness?”
ii. Ask if truth contradicts itself. It does not. If we each have our own truth, these different truths can’t ultimately contradict each other—or they wouldn’t be true.
c. The New Age Movement (NAM) says that Jesus is only one of many ways to God; but Jesus said He is the only way to God (John 14:6). Stick with this, and don’t let them off the “narrow-mindedness” of Jesus. Drive home Acts 4:12. Two contradictory truths can’t both be right; therefore, the NAM teaching that we can create our own truths cannot be true.
2. Don’t let them use Christian words out of the context of biblical meaning.a. New Agers recognize the tremendous influence and spotless reputation of Jesus. They want Him to be associated with their beliefs. As a result, you might find yourself facing New Agers who use Christian words—but with non-Christian definitions.
b. Listen carefully, and question the terms they use. Make sure that what they mean by Christian terms is the same thing that you mean by them.
3. Listen for internal contradictions.a. Listen to what New Agers are saying and you will hear inconsistencies arise, usually when discussing the relationship between reality and belief.
b. A New Ager might say that you can create your own reality. You might reply, “Good. Then if I believe red lights are really green, would you want to go driving with me?
i. Put the objector behind the wheel of a car—to get from “Point A” to “Point B” one drives on the roads as they are paved, uses the traffic signals as they are presented, and keeps it between the ditches. If I choose to get to “Point B” by means of a “straight line” of my own pleasure I will cause great damage and will never get to my destination.
ii. I also ask them how much they paid for their jeans or jacket—why didn’t they pay according to their own “truth?”
A Five-fold method of evangelism with animists/New Agers[ii]:
1. “A person must be brought to an awareness of God—His Christ, His Holy Spirit, His Church and His Mission.”
a. This might take a Bible study, starting in Genesis. Remember that Genesis was written to a group of people who just came from an animistic society and had to be re-introduced to the God of their fathers, who is not those things called “gods” by Egypt (sun, moon, stars, powers, force, etc). This is now a standard missionary method.
b. Also study Isaiah 40:12-31
2. “One must realize there are two kingdoms vitally interested in his response to life: one of darkness and one of light;” Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 can be used to move one from fear to faith. Remember: “comprehension” does not equal “conversion.”
3. “One must decide whether or not to turn from the one kingdom to the other, from the dominion of Satan to the dominion of God.”
a. This step can be done by using the Ten Commandments to show how one has offended the perfect, just, right and Holy God. One must be made to see that sin is lawlessness, to live without law (1 John 3:4).
b. “The potential convert can now be taught what salvation means, how it was achieved by the Lord Jesus Christ, and what happens when a person has turned from Satan to God. he must be introduced to the triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ over all powers in His death and resurrection. He ought to know what is the ministry of the Holy Spirit and what is involved in being a Christian.” (Galatians 3:24; Psalm 19:7)
4. “One must consummate the decision in an actual encounter with the powers of darkness and turning to God in order to accent salvation by receiving forgiveness of sins.” This is accomplished through repentance, by confession of sin and through the justice of the cross, receive forgiveness AND cleansing from unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
5. He is to be incorporated into the fellowship of the church.
[i] Based on Chapter 92, “The New Age Movement” of The School of Biblical Evangelism. Anectodes are my own.
[ii] Steyne, Phil.
Gods of Power: A Study of the Beliefs and Practices of Animists. Columbia, SC: Impact International Foundation, 1996, ’99. Available from bookstore of
Columbia International University, P.O. Box 3122, Columbia, SC 29230