
Showing posts from December, 2011

Finished Reading “Heretics”

  "G. K. Chesterton, the "Prince of Paradox," is at his witty best in this collection of twenty essays and articles from the turn of the twentieth century. Focusing on  "heretics" - those who pride themselves on their superiority to Christian views - Chesterton appraises prominent figures who fall into that category from the literary and art worlds... those who hold incomplete and inadequate views about "life, the universe, and everything." He is, in short, criticizing all that host of non-Christian views of reality, as he demonstrated in his follow-up book Orthodoxy. The book is both an easy read and a difficult read. But he manages to demonstrate, among other things, that our new 21st century heresies are really not new because he himself deals with most of them." (Goodreads)

Happy New Year!

Unto You is Born


No Room In the Inn? No Room in the inn--literally! Why Does The Star of Bethlehem have 14 points? Overtime May Add More to Your Waistline than Your Wallet. Archaeologists stumped by ancient markings found under Jerusalem . He did nothing wrong! Really!

Go For The Ride of Your Life this Christmas!

There is this great chapter in John Steinbeck’s “East of Eden,” wherein he describes this darling country mother (Olivia Hamilton, by name) who disbelieves a war is taking place (World War 1) until a neighbor boy is killed in Germany. This death snaps her to her senses so strongly she declares her own personal war against the Kaiser himself and sells so many war bonds that the Army rewards her efforts with a plane ride. The only problem is that she does not believe in airplanes. What happens next is golden—but you read that for yourself. Truthfully (and on a very human level) the Christmas story is hard to believe; yet, with all the historical evidences alone, the event is undisputed and we can embrace and rejoice with the news of the Savior! We can, to some degree, begin to grasp the conflicting emotion experienced by Mary and Joseph who both received angelic announcements concerning what was going to happen. The news is unbelievable; however, they trusted God. And what about...

Truth: the Unifying Factor in Pastoral Ministry

The Greek tragedian Aeshylus (525-456 BC) wrote, “God is not averse to deceit in a holy cause.” Nothing could be further from the truth. One of the greatest difficulties pastors face today stems from this damaging worldview. Truth is the unifying factor of all the pastor is and all the pastor is to do; otherwise, the badge of office is “scandal,” and the world knows this. Just read the headlines. We catch a glimpse of the centrality of truth in pastoral ministry where Paul writes to Timothy, “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, according to the commandment of god our Savior, and of Christ Jesus, our hope; to Timothy, true child in faith . . .” (1 Timothy 1:1-2). This entire letter to Timothy encourages truth and warns against those who speak otherwise. There are those who shipwreck their faith on the reef of untruth. Truth defines both the person and work of the minister. Let’s get this right, from the beginning. “Ministry” is an outward orientation, taking care of others. Ministry ...

The Spielberg Face

"With his two new movies War Horse and The Adventures of Tintin, Steven Spielberg commands our attention once again. We've taken the occasion to produce the following video essay exploring what may be the most singular visual element to his films: the face." I must admit that after all these years, I never saw the scene described in 4:35-38 as an orchestra, but now it is so perfectly obvious: the music playing in the backgound while all the people are standing in orchestral formation . . . stunning visual composition! Truly masterful.

How Great My Joy!

Last week did not make it to the gym or walk at all last week, yet still dropped another 4 pounds (lost a total of 30 pounds since August). Excellent! During my week of non-activity, I was thinking more about my walking and looking forward to doing more 5k (these are getting to be regular features, daily when I can excercise). I've been trying to jog once again, but only able to do about 3/4 mile--even in increments. More on that momentarily. During my "break," I watched this documentary called, "Running the Sahara" about three guys (who typically run the equivalent of 2 marathons per day) who ran from the Atlanta Ocean in Senegal, West Africa all the way across the Sahara to the Red Sea in Cairo, Egypt in 111 days. Talk about inspiration! Well I finally made it back to the gym and jogged 2 miles of the 5k in increments--I found my stride and divided up the run thus: 1) walk .25 miles; 2) jog .75 miles; 3) walk .25 miles; 4) jog .75 miles; 5) wa...

"All Seated on the Ground"

Our last post had us thinking a bit deeper about the Angels and the Shepherds. Departing at this time from the Christmas story would have us miss a very crucial aspect of God’s plan in stepping into time and space in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ponder this in your heart: God chose shepherds. So what? (I have grown to love the journey launched by these two words). We catch of glimpse of what sort of person Jesus would be by God’s selection of this first audience and God’s selection of the shepherds was not arbitrary, but very intentional. First, “so what” is the very attitude most of the world has always had about shepherds; yet, shepherding is part of the structure of Israel’s history. Their work is tied to the integral part of worship in what we may now call “Old Testament life.” So, why are they so despised? One reason is the nomadic lifestyle of the ancient shepherd, preferring a home on the range instead of settling down under a roof. They had to move constantly...

Angels, Shepherds and Birth Announcements

Play the scene in your mind: angels appear to the shepherds with the divine announcement of the Savior’s birth and the shepherds go find baby Jesus and return to their flocks rejoicing. And that’s it, right? The event is so short that we can encapsulate the whole affair in one sentence. The Nativity scene is burned into our brains. When we slow down and ponder the event, we discover the scene is so incredibly rich. Luke 2 tells us the shepherds were minding their business when an angel of the Lord appeared, shining the Lord’s glory all around them. The shepherds were terrified! Why? Well, let’s break it down: dark night, bright light where one should not be, an off-subject announcement (who know what they shepherds were discussing, or if they were asleep)—fear seems to be the default response—but don’t stop there. Look and ponder. The Angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, then a multitude of angels. Look at the heritage of these shepherds: Angels guarded the Tree of Lif...

The Writing Assignment

While stuck in “revision-land” with my novel, I am trying to keep the creative juices flowing by using prompts and various writing assignments. Admittedly, I’ve not been writing as much as I’ve wanted, despite my best efforts. Regardless, here I am staring down my latest assignment and frankly, I don’t want to do it. It frightens me. Here it is: “Create a character with personality traits of someone you love, but the physical characteristics of someone you don’t care for. ” Immediately the faces of two individuals come to mind and just as quickly comes the horror: I must destroy someone I love for the purpose of creating a person who does not exist. Then came the greater horror: there exists someone in my life for whom I don’t care. All the discipline I require to press on with my duty has crashed head-on with my refusal to do the assignment.   I have love for one and I have hatred for another. There exists within me deep respect for one and deep disdain for another. One dra...

Books I'd Like to Write

Here are titles for 10 books I’d like to write. What are your first impressions of the titles? Which genre do you think each would fall? What do you think the books would be about? 1)       Spankey’s Newfangled Monster-kicker: An Illustrated Guide 2)       Eating Greens 3)       That Horrible Skin 4)       Death or Die Trying 5)       Priority 6)       Resurrecting Joy 7)       Why Be Great? 8)       Why Lead? 9)       Forgotten Etiquette 10)     Crossbound


Jonathan Edwards: A Missionary?  PhD. Candidate Jonathan Gibson takes a closer look at the famed preachers' service in Stockbridge. Paul Tripp examines anger, the beautiful characteristic of God . How about some Biblical Roundup for the Root of Bitterness? Paul Tautges mixes up a batch of " 15 Ways To Kill Bitterness ." The Necessity of Sleep for Proper Recovery. Here's a great question: Why Do We Love C.S. Lewis and Hate Rob Bell?

The Christmas Journey of Worship

Bible teacher Woodrow Kroll writes this provoking thought: “If the star of Bethlehem first appeared on the night Jesus was born, then two groups started a journey toward worship that evening. The shepherds didn’t have far to go. They could probably see the dim lamplights of the little town from the hillside where they were tending their flocks. Meanwhile, in a distant land, wise men marveled and began preparations for an important journey. It may have taken them as long as two years of travel to reach Bethlehem.” As you ponder the things of Christmas in your heart, take a moment to reflect where you are now in your journey with Christ: Was it a short trip (perhaps you came to Him when you were young), or were you a long time in coming (perhaps you repented later in life)? What it was that drew your attention to The Savior? Who or what was it that pointed the way? How did you find out about Jesus? Are you drawing even nearer to Him in your everyday walk? Why do y...

Anticipating Christmas

Ready for Christmas? When we were school children, we looked forward to being out of school and getting presents. Now we are grown and we groan, looking forward to time off of work—not much, but any amount is deeply anticipated. But really, why are you looking forward to Christmas? Most of us readily vocalize the Christo-centricity of the holiday, but why long for this particular day? Is it because of a memory, a smell, feel, sound, or sight? Is it because we like to see Ralphie in that pink bunny suit all day long? Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra ra-ra ra-ra! Sure we love to hear Linus recite, but we are so familiar with the events in Bethlehem that unlike Mary, we do not ponder these things in our heart. When was the last time we stopped everything in order to truly understand? Instead of rockin’ around the Christmas tree, how about a quiet “sit and think” about Christmas for a while? Why did God step into time and space as a helpless infant in a village so obscure that even the gospel writers h...

Following a Star

Matthew 2:2 and 9 report that magi saw a star and followed it in their quest to find the birthplace of the King of the Jews. Here are a couple of paragraphs that helped me get a better grasp of what they were doing: “The old Polynesians were great navigators. They took bearings by the sun by day and the stars by night. Their knowledge of the heavenly bodies was astonishing. They knew the earth was round, and they had names for such conceptions as the Equator and the northern and South ern tropics. . . . The Polynesians knew five planets, which they called wandering stars and distinguished them from the fixed stars, for which they had nearly two hundred different names.   A good navigator in old Polynesia knew well in what part of the sky the different stars would rise and where they would be at different times of the night and at different times of the year. They knew which stars culminated over the different islands, and there were cases in which an island was named after ...


Now's your chance to stop wondering about what takes place on a Bible translation committee. Here is a rare opportunity to sit in and listen to a debate on translating the word "slave" or "bondservant" in light of author's intent and audience perception. Why do we say “The United States is” rather than “The United States are” ? While we're on the subject, do you like our new logo ? If given a choice, would you choose a personal trainer who has struggled with their weight in the past over one who never has? Are you an "educated man?" Here are three characteristics to consider. I just HAD to post this: