I can sum mine up in one word: "crucible." I've lost my job. I am no longer a doctoral student. Our family is going through massive emotional upset due to a family member's attempted suicide and because she is underage, created quite an intense DSS firestorm for us. I am embracing the suck. You know what? The world is changing and we are doing things we've never done before. Or in a while, at least. America's houses have never been cleaner. The DSS firestorm is dying down and in a few months, she'll age out of the system. What happens next is anyone's guess. Hearts are broken, nonetheless. I am preparing to break in a new tiller on some ground for a garden. Got us some tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, lettuce, broccoli, beans. Might post some pics of the before-and-aftermath. The sun is shining like all is well with the world, and if you stop and sit out on your porch or in your gazebo or in your swing or whatever you ...