Finished Reading “Heretics”

  "G. K. Chesterton, the "Prince of Paradox," is at his witty best in this collection of twenty essays and articles from the turn of the twentieth century. Focusing on  "heretics" - those who pride themselves on their superiority to Christian views - Chesterton appraises prominent figures who fall into that category from the literary and art worlds... those who hold incomplete and inadequate views about "life, the universe, and everything." He is, in short, criticizing all that host of non-Christian views of reality, as he demonstrated in his follow-up book Orthodoxy. The book is both an easy read and a difficult read. But he manages to demonstrate, among other things, that our new 21st century heresies are really not new because he himself deals with most of them." (Goodreads)

Finished Reading: “Spirit of Laws”

 Finished reading the 1752 edition of “The Spirit of Laws” by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieux. This concludes the 10th reading in the “The Development of Political Theory and Government” reading guide. A few highlights and timely observations: Montesquieux notes this work took 20 years to write, the product of careful study of mankind and the absolutes of self-evident truth. He held that a republic should be a small state, consisting of people who can manage because they are familiar with one another. A large state, or empire would be despotic while an intermediate state should be monarchical. He also held that mankind should make every effort to maintain peace but be ready for war, if necessary—and ready to restore peace. Public voting is necessary (show of hands) whereas secret ballots lead to fraud. 

This translation was clear and the assisting footnotes provided helpful commentary. 

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