Dr. Larry Dixon, Professor of Systematic Theology in the
Seminary and School of Missions of
Columbia International University is quoted as saying, "A Bible shut tight is but a block of paper." Consider a few wonderful facts concerning God's Word:
4. The heavens were made by it (
Ps 33:6)
6. Sent by God, through which He heals and delivers (
Ps 107:20)
14. Does not return "empty-handed", but accomplishes what it was sent out to do (
Isa 55:11)
16. It happens [update your bumper sticker with this one!] (
Ezek 12:25)
17. Was made flesh and dwelt among us (
John 1:14)
22. Sharper than a two-edged sword, even able to divide between soul and spirit (
Heb 4:12)
23. Discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart (
Heb 4:12)
25. Lives forever (
1 Peter 1:23)
(Suggested by Meredith's Book of Bible Lists.)