Discard Anxiety

"Today I escaped anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions not outside." (Marcus Aurelius)

Which is easier to manage: a bundle of wood, or a stick of wood? How often we look at a situation and begin to spiral about the burden. "It's too big," or "I can't do this," or "the pressure is too great!" and before long anxiety has blurred our vision, weakened our resolve and undermined our foundations. When we build a fire, we don't carry the whole stack inside at once. We take a few sticks at a time and before long the entire pile has been moved! Why focus on the wood pile when all we need is to move one stick at a time?

You've heard the old joke, "how do you eat an elephant?"
The answer is "one bite at a time." 

So when you feel worry set in, discard it. Anxiety won't help move the pile and will drain your energy. Anxiety won't add years to your life. How often we work ourselves up into an unnecessary lather!

Be kind to yourself and discard anxiety. When you discard anxiety, you have control. Anxiety has no control over you. It's a lie. Change your perception of what troubles you. 

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