Saturday Night Evangelism: Blues at Finlay Park 6/21/08
This last Saturday, Steve and Jan and I went to Finlay Park to share the gospel with folks attending the Summer Concert Series. As most people set up chairs close to the stage, it was hard to find a good place to actually converse with people--the music was just too loud. Besides, one of the "ground rules" of evangelism is that when an event is taking place (such as a concert) great care must be taken concerning "breaking in" to the event; that is, getting between the event and the person or persons attending. Most conversation takes place outside the event; that is, with people walking around on the periphery.
After I spoke with this family, I spent two hours talking with one young man near the fence. After taking him through the law, and his admission of sin and how God saw his heart, we spent our time wrestling through questions that he was wrestling with. Though he was sincere in seeking resolutions to ethical delimmas, doctrinal and philosophical issues, I kept returning to the foundational question on my part, "what does this have to do with the fact that you will have to stand before God on judgment day?"
Though I really wanted to see him come to Christ in that hour, he really felt the need to have his questions answered. There is that fine balance of answering questions and chasing rabbits. Use discernment in conversations because there are times when people try to skirt the real issue at hand, moral responsiblity of sin before a just and Holy God. Answered questions do nothing to remove the sin issue, so keep at at as the LORD leads. Remember that the Lord resists the proud and gives grace the humble--return to the Law as the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment there. But give grace to those who are humbled under conviction.