Happy "Get A Life" Day!

(not to be confused with "Evaluate Your Life Day")

Happy New Year!

As is the practice of some (present company included), this is the time we resolve to do better, to be better. So we inflict upon ourselves demands that may or may not come to fruition in the long run. Don't get me wrong, having resolve is a discipline but to accomplish anything, a discipline must be learned before it is mastered. The primary difficulty for our culture is lack of discipline altogether. We want things NOW.

So where do we go from here, right at the start of a new year?

If you're not in the habit of making resolutions, don't start. If you like making resolutions, then make them. Whatever your habits are (unless they are bad--stop that), make your life. What you want or desire just might not come quickly so don't get discouraged with any setbacks or failures. Be a life-long learner and enjoy life.

One suggestion? Sometime this year, plant something. Get some dirt, some seeds and plant something. This will serve as a reminder that good things take time. So while you are waiting for the fruit of your labor, go and do something else.

Life is not sitting around waiting for one thing. Life consists of the little things, too.

Life is meant to be lived to the full, so get it!

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