
Showing posts from 2009


Into this Universe, and Why not knowing  Nor Whence, like Water willy-nilly flowing;  And out of it, as Wind along the Waste,  I know not Whither, willy-nilly blowing. Stanza XXXII of “Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” by Edward Fitzgerald (1809–1883)

No Strange Thing, These Resolutions

"Resolution is no strange and extraordinary thing; it is one of the most common acts that belongs to us as we are men. But we do not ordinarily apply it to the best purposes. It is not so ordinary for men to resolve to be good as to resolve to be rich and great, not so common for men to resolve against sin as to resolve against poverty and suffering. It is not so ususal for men to resolve to keep a good conscience as to keep a good place." (John Tilloston, 1630 - 1694)

How To Think of the Incarnation

"How are we to think of the incarnation? The New Testament does not encourage us to puzzle our heads over the physical and psychological problems that it raises, but to worship God for the love that was shown in it." (J.I Packer, Knowing God ) "The New Testament knows nothing of an incarnation which can be defined apart from its relation to atonement . . . Not Bethlehem, but Calvary, is the focus of the revelation, and any construction of Christianity which ignores or denies this distorts Christianity by putting it out of focus." (James Denny, The Death of Christ )

Immaculate Conception Day (Argentina, Chile)

El amor de Dios"Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en El cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." (San Juan 3:16) El plan de Dios(Cristo afirma) "Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y para que la tengan en abundancia" (Una vida completa y con propósito). (San Juan 10:10b) ¿Por qué es que la mayoría de las personas no están experimentando esta " vida en abundancia "? Porque . . .

Dr. Warren Larson's Top Five Books on Islam

Dr. Warren Larson , Director of Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies and Professor of Muslim Studies and Intercultural Studies at the Seminary and School of Missions of Columbia International University has published a "top 5" book list. Click on the link to read the article. My Top 5 Books on Islam Christianity Today A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction


كما توجد مبادئ (نواميس) طبيعيّة تسيطر على العالم المادّي، كذلك توجد مبادئ روحيّة تسيطر على علاقتك بالله. المبدأ الأوّل إنّ الله يحبّك ولديه خطّة مدهشة لحياتك. محبّة الله "الله محبّة ومن يثبت في المحبّة يثبت في الله والله فيه". (1 يوحنا 4: 16) خطّه الله قال يسوع: "أتيت لتكون لهم حياة وليكون لهم أفضل" (حياة ممتلئة وذات هدف) (يوحنا 10:10) لماذا لا يختبر معظم الناس هذه الحياة الفضلى؟

Look Higher

"Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men" (Gen. 33:1) Do not lift up your eyes and look for Esau’s. Those who look for troubles will not be long without finding trouble to look at. Lift them higher—to Him from whom our help cometh. Then you will be able to meet your troubles with an unperturbed spirit. Those who have seen the face of God need not fear the face of man that shall die. To have power with God is to have power over all the evils that threaten us. (F. B. Meyer)

Republic Proclamation Day (Brazil)

O AMOR DE DEUS " Pois Deus tanto amou o mundo que deu o seu Filho unigênito para que todo o que nele crer não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna." (João 3:16) O PLANO DE DEUS Cristo afirma: "Eu vim para que tenham vida, e a tenham plenamente" (uma vida abundante e com propósito). (João 10:10) Por que a maioria das pessoas não está experimentando essa " vida abundante "?

Legendary Lost Persian Army Found in Sahara - Archaeology | Egyptology | Archeology -

Legendary Lost Persian Army Found in Sahara - Archaeology Egyptology Archeology - Posted using ShareThis

Reading and Understanding Wisdom Psalms (part 1)

“In church, question marks straighten out into exclamation points, the baffling day-by-day complexity of things becomes simple . . . ” (Robert & Helen Lynd, researchers of religion in America) Wisdom Psalms provide a look into the thoughts of someone who has deeply contemplated the perplexities of life. In a previous post we noted how Wisdom Psalms could be defined as a guide for living, advice on how to live in the way God has intended for us to live, in righteousness. ORIENTATION to a God-pleasing life. Through wisdom psalms we can learn about life as seen in their strong "lifestyle" elements (some are practical, while others are technical), emphasizing the behavior of one in right relationship with God. Wisdom Psalms could be subdivided into two categories: 1. Proverbial Wisdom, which consist of short, “pithy” sayings that state rules for personal happiness and welfare. Consider Psalm 34:13-14: " Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. Dep...

Real estate (11/6/2009)

Hello, I represent a company called SPN Solutions, a company that does what's known as advanced search engine placement. We reach a Network of over 35 million people who are predominantly US based. Our Network is entirely opt-in, and the users on our Network allow us to present them with a preferred choice whenever they are looking for anything on the top sixteen search engines. (GOOGLE, YAHOO, BING and thirteen others) I seek one source to send the users on our Network, from the major search engines, for real estate in Alexandria and surrounding markets. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I am in the office daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific time. Best regards, Robert Sexton Dir/Business Development, SPN Solutions Phone: 800.481.2979, ext 2001

Reading and Understanding the Psalms (part 4)

A Note Concerning Poetic Language in the Psalms One feature that Hebrew poetry shares with Western poetry is the use of archaic words, or forms of words. This is a literary device used for effect. While emphasis is placed on words or phrases by means of structure, an additional emphasis can be made through the choice of words through the inspired writer. Understanding when these words occur takes a little bit of detective work, but the effort will be rewarding. One other feature about archaic words to consider: during the time of King James (1611) "prevent" did not have the same meaning it does today, so the wrong understanding of meaning even in English can be disasterous. Compare Psalm 21:3, 59:10 and 79:8 in various versions, starting with King James. Once we are able to identify the kind of parallelism (if any, see previous post), we will appreciate the need for synonymns and/or archaic language in the text. One simply cannot use just "ordinary" language in poet...

Reading and Understanding the Psalms (part 3)

Elements of Hebrew Poetry We understand the book of Psalms to be "wisdom literature" and think of the collection as poetry, but have you noticed that no lines rhyme? This is where we get to think Hebrew, and not like a Westerner. The Hebrew language DOES have repetition and alliteration, but if there is rhyme in English, it is accidental--unless you are reading an old English Psalter, where all the psalms were re-written to be sung in rhyme. The poetic language of Hebrew is loaded with "learning helps" as it is meant for the hearer (remember that most early audiences were illiterate). We will not see this in English, but in Psalm 23, the Hebrew word for "shepherd" and "evil" sound very similar ("ro-e", "ra-a") and to the untrained eye, look nearly identical. The English misses the implication of the poetry, which is this: while the LORD is my shepherd, fear is not. A word about Old Testament poetry: it is not confined t...

Reading and Understanding the Psalms (part 2)

Special Concerns of Psalms Most Psalms are identified by what is called the "superscript," a fancy word for the “above writings” that help identify the psalm. For example, take a look at Psalm 3, just above verse 1 where it should read, " A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absolom his son ." This is not the editor’s title, but is actually part of the psalm itself, giving information about the psalm. The superscript gives us certain information, such as who wrote the psalms, who the psalm belongs to or why the psalm was written (see Psalm 18, for example). We may also find what kind of psalm this is, such as Psalm 142. There may also be some sort of musical instruction found in the superscript, such as Psalm 54. Some argue the superscript is not part of the inspired text. There is proof that some superscripts were placed during or after the exile (Ezra); nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the Hebrew Bible actually counts what we call the "superscript" as ...

Reading and Understanding the Psalms (part 1)

Noticing patterns is one important aspect to understand the psalms. As poetry, words and phrases intertwine to communicate in ways that prose cannot. While a general overview of the psalter may seem a dry excercise, if we keep "patterns" in mind, we may discover how this favored book of the Bible draws the reader study and is very much alive! Interestingly, some of the same patterns we find in the Psalter also surface in other places in scripture, such as the Prophets and in other poetic passages, so studying the Psalms can inform our study of other passages as well. The name "Psalms" comes from the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew scripture), as "psalmoi" and suggests the idea of "songs." The Hebrew name for the book, tehillim , connotes the idea of "praises" or "songs of praises." The Psalter as a whole is a collection of 5 books and the editor of your Bible may have already noted these collections: Book 1: Psalm ...

Find Out If You Are Going To Die DeathBeth Knows. happy halloween

"God and War: What the Bible Says About the Just War Principle"

" . . . many people claim that God is simply a warmonger picking fights with those that oppose him. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Only under extreme conditions was a war ever sanctioned and not after many years of warnings ( Jeremiah 26:4-6 ). In fact, even the mighty King David himself was not allowed to build a temple for God because he was a warrior and had shed blood in wars ( 1 Chronicles 28:3 ). God, it seems, does not like the death of anyone." Read the full article here where you will find the topics: The Root Cause of War Our Attitude Toward War God's View of War Lord of War The Just War

How Willingly Do People Go to Hell? :: Desiring God Christian Resource Library

"The person who rejects God does not know the real horrors of hell. This may be because he does not believe hell exists, or it may be because he convinces himself that it would be tolerably preferable to heaven. But whatever he believes or does not believe, when he chooses against God, he is wrong about God and about hell. He is not, at that point, preferring the real hell over the real God. He is blind to both. He does not perceive the true glories of God, and he does not perceive the true horrors of hell." How Willingly Do People Go to Hell? :: Desiring God Christian Resource Library

Stop Playing Games About Prayer

“Am I the only one who gets embarrassed when religious leaders in America talk about having prayer in public schools? We don’t have even that much prayer in many churches! Out of humility, you would think we would keep quiet on that particular subject until we practice what we preach in our own congregations. I am sure that the Roman emperors didn’t have prayer to God in their schools. But then, the early Christians didn’t seem to care what Caligula or Claudius or Nero did. How could any emperor stop God? How, in fact, could the demons of hell make headway when God’s people prayed and called upon his name? Impossible! In the New Testament we don’t see Peter or John wringing their hands and saving, 'Oh, what are we going to do? Caligula’s bisexual . . . he wants to appoint his horse to the Roman Senate . . . what a terrible model of leadership! How are we going to respond to this outrage?' Let’s not play games with ourselves. Let’s not divert attention away from the weak...

The Psychological Manipulation of the "Invitation" (Paul Washer)

"The evidence of true conversion is not simply that one time in your life you made a decision and you beleived you were sincere . . . the profession of faith: has it continued on?"

"My House Shall Be Called A House Of Prayer" by Jim Cymbala

Was Ardi Our Ape Ancestor?

Was Ardi Our Ape Ancestor? Shared via AddThis

"Calling on the Name of the Lord" by Jim Cymbala

ht: SermonIndex

Obama and Immorality

"Simply Unprecedented" -- President Obama and the Gay Rights Movement Shared via AddThis

Holy Mary's Day (Brazil)

O AMOR DE DEUS " Pois Deus tanto amou o mundo que deu o seu Filho unigênito para que todo o que nele crer não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna." (João 3:16) O PLANO DE DEUS Cristo afirma: "Eu vim para que tenham vida, e a tenham plenamente" (uma vida abundante e com propósito). (João 10:10) Por que a maioria das pessoas não está experimentando essa " vida abundante "?

The Church in the World

"A church that is alive, a church that is one proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ is going to become an issue in the community. Jesus said, 'Woe unto you when all men speak well of you.' The church in the world must always be at opposite poles because light and darkness have no fellowship . . . A church that is a real living vital church is a church that is in the business of taking dead people and communicating to them the gospel that alone can make them alive. That's the mission of the church. There is no way biblically under the sun that the church can ever court the world. The church must be the conscience of the world. The church must be so well defined that it becomes the antagonist of the world. For those outside of Jesus Christ, this church I trust, I pray, this church will be the most uncomfortable seat in the world because we present a gospel that divides." Read the full message, " How To Play Church ."


"Leadership in the church is not built on an individual’s natural abilities, education, common sense, or human wisdom. It is built on his knowledge and understanding of Scripture, his allegiance to it, and his submission to the Holy Spirit’s applying the truths of God’s Word in his heart and life. A man who is not clinging to God’s Word and committed to live it is not prepared to preach it or teach it. The truth of the Word must be woven into the very fabric of his thinking and living. Only then does the power of the leader’s integrity make an impact on those to whom he ministers. Those who fail to be loyal to Scripture are largely responsible for the superficial, self-elevating preaching and teaching in many evangelical churches. That failure is the real culprit that has led so many to be converted to what they consider relevancy and therefore to preach a pampering psychology or a diluted gospel. But the faithful pastor, like Ezra, will “ set his heart to study the law of th...

Healthcare, Heaven or Hell?

I took my Mother to the grocery store the other night and on the way in, I stopped off by a pickup truck where three very rough-looking men were talking while holding on to the leashes of three very well-fed bulldogs. Each man was wearing an off-center baseball cap, an oversized tee-shirt with graffitti art, and plenty of bling. Two were holding cell phones to their ear, but apparently not talking with anyone. As I approached, they each seemed incredulous that I would even approach them; nevertheless, I offered each one of my Obama Million Dollar Bills. "Didja get one of these bills, with the President on it? It's not everyday you get something like this." Two men took a bill each and the other larger man (standing closer to me) told me to watch out, or get bit by a dog. I still offered him a Million Dollar bill and he took it. One of the other men was looking the bill over and began asking questions--"what's this all about?" Before I could answer...

Password Scam Widens To Google, Yahoo - Cybersecurity -

Time to change your passwords! Password Scam Widens To Google, Yahoo - Cybersecurity - Posted using ShareThis
A new book, " Putting Together the Puzzle of the New Testament ," by Columbia International University President Bill Jones will help you piece together the New Testament. It's a ministry tool that traces the events that occur in each of the eight historical periods of the New Testament, and follows the same format as its prequel, “ Putting Together the Puzzle of the Old Testament .” The book answers six investigative questions for each period: What, How, When, Where, Who and Why? The “Why?” sections highlight God’s heart for the nations which climaxes in the book of Revelation when one future day in heaven representatives from every tribe, tongue and nation will worship our Lord Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The book is published by Authentic Media. For more information, contact the CIU bookstore at (800) 777-2227, ext. 5263 or .

Book Burning?

Please watch this video and leave your comments. I would personally like to know your thoughts. Thanks.

Muslim Demographics

Feeling the weight

"Once while bathing in the river Sutlej I sank deep into the water. Above my head were tons of water and yet I did not feel the burden at all. When I camed back to the bank, I lifted a pot filled with water and found it very heavy. As long as I was in the water I did not feel the weight. Similarly a sinner does not feel that he is a sinner as long as he lives in sin." (Sadhu Sundar Singh, 1889-1929)

What do you say about sin?

To say, "I have not sinned" is to make God a liar ( 1 John 1:10 ); To say, "I must sin," is to deny the gospel ( Jude 24 ; Galatians 2:20 ); To say, "I must not sin," is to conform to the gospel ( Colossians 3:17 ); To say, "I need not sin," is to state my priviledge ( Ephesians 1:4 ); To say, "By the grace of God I will not sin," is to live the gospel ( Galatians 5:25 ).


Didja hear the one about the man who came upon a skunk with its' head stuck in a small fruit jar? It was evident that the skunk would smother and die if the jar was not removed, but every attempt to remove the jar was met by the skunk raising his tail in defense. The skunk was unaware that he was not only in a dangerous situation, but that the man was trying to help him. God offers salvation to the sinner who is smothering, dying in the guilt of his own sins. Only when he trusts Lord Jesus Christ, who through his death, burial and resurrection paid the penalty for sin, will he be free from the power of sin! God in Christ Jesus alone can remove the "jar" called sin whose reward is death.

Inherited Sin Nature

Once when takling about man's nature, Watchman Nee remarked, "we have all sinned in Adam." A man who was listening exclaimed he did not understand what this meant. Nee explained, "If you great-grandfather had died at the age of three, where would you be? You would have died in him! Your experience is bound up with his! And just in the same way your experience is bound up with that of Adam's."


Anyone who has witnessed the felling of a tall tree is left with the definitive feeling of sadness. As the saw rips through the heart of the giant, it begins to sag down on the side where the wound is gaping. The tree begins to lean away from the cutters, but they continue their work--just a moment longer. Then come the sounds: the crack, crack, cracking of the wood fibers in front of the saw teeth. Another pass of the saw, and the popping noise increases! Those sounds! More rapid, then a continuous roar! If you were standing nearby you suddenly realize that everything above is coming to earth. The great mass starts to topple, the popping and crackling and exploding sounds burst from the base until with a fearful momentum, the whole tree comes sprawling down. Sometimes, we see a man come down like that. He had stood out, so apparently strong before the entire world, but the sappers were at his heart. The supports were cut from under him until he came crashing down to the ground.


Faultfinding has got to be the easiest job in the world. It requires no talent, no character, and no brains.


A farmer asked his neighbor if he might borrow a rope. "Sorry," said the neighbor, "I'm using my rope to tie up my milk." "Rope can't tie up milk!" replied the surprised farmer. "I know," said the neighbor, "but when a man doesn't want to do something, one reason is as good as another."

Radicals &Their Worldviews Ruling America From The Grave

Click here to unsubscribe From Item #1 The Radicals and Their Worldviews Ruling America From The Grave By Brannon Howse In the end, Fabian Socialists don't really want to own it if they can control it, and all they need to control it is a financial crisis that allows them to change laws, inflate the currency, and buy stock in corporations. Whether you call it nationalizing an industry or corporate fascism, the result is the same-the death of freedom and private property rights. Free, Worldview Weekend Rally Coming To These Cities Abilene, Texas Saturday Night, September 12, 2009 Austin, Texas Sunday Night, September 13, 2009 Fredericksburg, Virginia Saturday Night, September 19, 2009 Richmond, Virginia Sunday Night, September 20, 2009 Alexandria, Louisiana Saturday Night, September 26, 2009 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Su...

Unsurpassed Value

One of our children had taken a keen interest in meteorology and at one point, was very careful to spend an exceptional amount of time each day watching the Weather Channel. A recent conversation touched down on the subject of tornadoes and warning systems, in which our brilliant child made the point that if a quick escape from the house were necessary, an extra pair of underwear would be the most important item to take along. One of our other children quickly demanded to know the reason for the choice, to which came the reply, "because if a tornado were to come close enough for me to leave, I would need to change my pants." About three years ago or so, we did have to leave our house under threat of a tornado. Since we were living in a mobile home, we felt that was the best choice. Years before while living in another state, a tornado touched down about a mile behind us and we saw first-hand what happens to homes and trees. When we were under the threat again, we did not...

White House Storing Comments Posted to Its Web Pages - Political News -

White House Storing Comments Posted to Its Web Pages - Political News - Posted using ShareThis

Looking at Heaven -

Looking at Heaven - Posted using ShareThis

Who's The One Who Set Me Free?

An Earthquake Within Us

"Repentance is but a kind of table-talk, till we see so much of the deformity of our inward nature as to be in some degree frighted and terrified at the sight of it. There must be some kind of an earthquake within us, something that must rend and shake us to the bottom, before we can be enough sensible either of the state of death we are in or enough desirous of that Savior who alone can raise us from it." (William Law, 1686-1761)

Dr. Warren Larson, On A Muslim View of 9-11 and a Christian Response

Dr. Warren Larson , the director of the Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies at Columbia International University is often sought out by the media for a biblical view on Muslim-Christian relations. As Americans commemorate the anniversary of the 9-11 attack on the United States, Larson recorded an interview with the nationally broadcast radio show "Prime Time America" on the Moody Radio Network. In the interview, Larson is asked how Muslims view 9-11, and how Christians should be responding to them. You can hear Larson's comments on the Sept. 11th broadcast of "Prime Time America," beginning at 4:00 p.m. Central Time. Log on to listen .

What do you think?

Adoniron Judson is the source of the following quote. I would like to hear your thoughts about what he said. "It is a mistake to suppose that a dull and second-rate man is enough for the heathen. The worst-off need the very best we have. God gave His best, even His only begotten Son, in order to redeerm a lost world. The most darkened and degraded souls need the best thinking."

Independence Day (Brazil)

O AMOR DE DEUS " Pois Deus tanto amou o mundo que deu o seu Filho unigênito para que todo o que nele crer não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna." (João 3:16) O PLANO DE DEUS Cristo afirma: "Eu vim para que tenham vida, e a tenham plenamente" (uma vida abundante e com propósito). (João 10:10) Por que a maioria das pessoas não está experimentando essa " vida abundante "?

The Subtlety of Depravity

"Surely what a man does when he is taken off his guard is the best evidence for what sort of man he is. If there are rats in a cellar you are most likely to see them if you go in very suddenly. But the suddenness does not create the rats: it only prevents them from hiding. In the same way the suddenness of the provocation does not make me ill-tempered, it ony shows me what an ill-tempered man I am." (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity)

What Einstein Thought

"With the discovery of the atom, everything changed, except for man's thinking. Because of this, we drift toward unparalleled catastophe." "The true problem lies in the hearts and thoughts of men. It is not a physical but an ethical one . . . . What terrifies us is not the explosive force of the atomic bomb, but the power of the wickedness of the human heart." (Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955)

Why Moralism Is Not the Gospel -- And Why So Many Christians Think It Is

Why Moralism Is Not the Gospel -- And Why So Many Christians Think It Is Shared via AddThis


A tightwad went shopping to find an inexpensive gift for a friend. In one shop, he spotted a vase which had been broken. He bought the broken vase (next to nothing in price) and asked the store to send it to his friend, who would assume the vase had been broken in transit. A few days later, a note arrived from the friend. "Many thanks for the vase," the note read, "and it was so thoughtful of you to wrap each piece separately!" Numbers 32:23 "you may be sure that your sin will find you out."

The Imposter

Two gripping thoughts on Hypocrisy by G.K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936): "LET it never be forgotten that a hypocrite is a very unhappy man; he is a man who has devoted himself to a most delicate and arduous intellectual art in which he may achieve masterpieces which he must keep secret, fight thrilling battles and win hair-breadth victories for which he cannot have a whisper of praise. A really accomplished impostor is the most wretched of geniuses: he is a Napoleon on a desert island." ("Browning.") "We ought to see far enough into a hypocrite to see even his sincerity. We ought to be interested in that darkest and most real part of a manin which dwell not the vices that he does not display, but the virtuesthat he cannot. And the more we approach the problems of human history with this keen and piercing charity, the smaller and smaller space we shall allow to pure hypocrisy of any kind. The hypocrites shall not deceive us into thinking them saints; but neithe...


When Howard Carter and his associates found the tomb of King Tutenkhamen, they opened up his casket and found another within it. They opened up the second, which was covered with gold leaf, and found a third. Inside the third casket was a fourth made of pure gold. The pharoahs body was in the fourth, wrapped in gold cloth with a gold face mask. But when the body was unwrapped, it was leathery and shriveled.

On: Change

"Everyone things of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself." (Leo Tolstoy, 1828 - 1910)

Occupation: Evangelism

"The major preoccupation of any man's life is his daily employment. But if Jesus Christ has no part in that major occupation of your life, then he is Lord only of the margins. The spare time. The left-overs! Did you ever notice that the important figures of the Bibles are not the monks and priests? They are shepherds and fishermen and tax gatherers and soldiers and politicians and tentmakers and physicians and carpenters. These are the ones who occupty the center of the stage. You can tell good news about God's actions among men at a water cooler in an office or over a lunch bucket. you can heal a hurt in a car while you are driving home. You can teach the truth that frees and enlightens anywhere." Ray Stedman, from his sermon on Ephesians 4:11-12 , "The Contemporary Christ."

Natural Revelation

"My biological work convinced me that the One who was declared dead by Nietzsche, and silent by Sartre, actually is very much alive and speaking to us through all things." (Dutch biologist, C.J. Briejer)

Shattering False Icons: Reforming Biology Teaching

By Chuck ColsonPublished Date: February 02, 2001 "False facts," wrote Charles Darwin, "are highly injurious to the progress of science." There's an old American saying that makes the same point. It says, "It's not what people don't know that's so dangerous; it's what they know that just ain't so." Well, I've got some good news and some bad news for you. Generations of students have been taught facts about biology that just ain't so -- they're false facts. For decades, our kids have been soaking up untrustworthy, unreliable information, and their minds (not to mention science itself) have been injured in the process. That's the bad news. Read the good news and the rest of the article on the BreakPoint website .

Astrologers, please comment

How would astrology address the different natures of persons, namely twins? "Esau and Jacob were born of the same father and mother, at the same time, and under the same planets, but their nature was wholly different. You would pursuade me that astrology is a true science!" (Martin Luther, to Melanchthon)

The Value of Art

"Art, if it is to be reckoned as one the great values of life, must teach men humility, tolerance, wisdom and magnanimity. The value of art is not beauty, but right action." (W. Somerset Maugham, 1874 - 1965).

Art and Science, A Perspective

"‘Tis the very difference between the artistic mind and the mathematical, that the former sees things as they are in a picture, some nearer and larger some smaller and farther away while to the mathematical mind everything, every inch in a million, every fact in a cosmos, must be of equal value. That is why mathematicians go mad, and poets scarcely ever do. A man may have as wide a view of life as he likes, the wider the better: a distant view, a birds-eye view, but still a view and not a map. The one thing he cannot attempt in his version of the universe is to draw things to scale." (G.K. Chesterton, 1874-1936)


"The fall was simply this: that some creature--that is, something which is not God--took his place with man, and man, trusting the creature more than God, walked in its light--or darkness--rather thatn in fellowship with God." (Andrew Jukes, 1815 - 1901)

The Faculty of Taste

"Sometimes during sickness the faculty of taste in the tongue is interfered with, and during that time, however tasty the food given to the sick person may be, it has an ill taste to him. In just the same way sin interferes with the taste for spiritual things. Under such circumstances [saith the Lord] My Word and service and My presence lost their attraction to the sinner, and instead of profiting by them he begins to argue about and criticize them." (Sadhu Sundar Singh, "At the Master's Feet," 1922)

Fundamental Ingredient for Life Discovered in Comet - Science News | Science

This is like saying, "The discovery of chocolate in Kroger supports the idea that the fundamental building blocks of desserts are prevalent in grocery stores, and strengthens the argument that chocolate chip cookies may be common rather than rare." Fundamental Ingredient for Life Discovered in Comet - Science News Science & Technology Technology News - Posted using ShareThis

San Martin Day (Argentina)

El amor de Dios"Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en El cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." (San Juan 3:16) El plan de Dios(Cristo afirma) "Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y para que la tengan en abundancia" (Una vida completa y con propósito). (San Juan 10:10b) ¿Por qué es que la mayoría de las personas no están experimentando esta " vida en abundancia "? Porque . . .

Assumption of Mary (Belguim, Chile)

El amor de Dios "Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en El cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna." (San Juan 3:16) El plan de Dios(Cristo afirma) "Yo he venido para que tengan vida, y para que la tengan en abundancia" (Una vida completa y con propósito). (San Juan 10:10b) ¿Por qué es que la mayoría de las personas no están experimentando esta " vida en abundancia "? Porque . . . ************ Dieu nous aime et nous a créés pour que nous le connaissions personnellement. Dieu nous aime."Car Dieu a tant aimé le monde qu'il a donné son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse pas, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle." Jean 3:16 Dieu désire que nous le connaissions. (Jésus priant le Père:) "Or la vie éternelle, c'est qu'ils te connaissent toi le seul vrai Dieu et celui que tu as envoyé, Jésus-Christ." Jean 17:3 Il nous offre une vie nouvelle, une vie ...

Statement from the American College of Surgeons Regarding Recent Comments from President Obama

CHICAGO—The American College of Surgeons is deeply disturbed over the uninformed public comments President Obama continues to make about the high-quality care provided by surgeons in the United States. When the President makes statements that are incorrect or not based in fact, we think he does a disservice to the American people at a time when they want clear, understandable facts about health care reform. We want to set the record straight. Read the full article on their website .

Dr. Larry Dixon, on "When Temptation Strikes"

Dr. Larry Dixon , resident faculty of Systematic Theology in the Seminary and School of Missions of Columbia International University , was interviewed this past weekend on Canadian television. Enjoy! Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

On: Intellect

"We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality." (Albert Einstein )

What matters in Religion

"In religion, the things about which men agree are apt to be the things that are least worth holding; the really important things are the things about which men will fight." (J. Gresham Machen, 1881-1937)

And Really Bad Eggs

"No clever arrangement of bad eggs will ever make a good omelette." (C.S. Lewis) Nothing comes out of a man's physical body which is either pleasing to look at or pleasing to smell. Likewise, there is nothing that comes out of a man's heart which is pleasing to God for salvation.

"I don't feel bad, guilty or ashamed about sin."

And a fish doesn't feel wet either, because it is immersed.


"Rumor is a pipe Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures, And of so easy and so plain a stop That the blunt monster with uncounted heads, The still-discordant wavering multitude, Can play upon it." (Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Act 2). " But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way. Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water? Can a fig tree, my brethren, produce olives, or a vine produce figs? Nor can salt water produce fresh ." (James 3:8-12)

Truth in the Balance

Years ago, the cover of the Saturday Evening Post displayed a painting by Leslie Thrasher showing a woman buying a Thanksgiving turkey. The turkey was on the scales and the butcher is standing behind the counter. The customer, a lady of about 60, stands watching the weigh in. The butcher and the lady each had a pleased look on their faces, but a closer look reveals they each knew something of a secret. Their faces showed nothing unusual going on, but Thrasher shows us their hands. The butcher is pressing down on the scales with a thumb while the woman is pushing up with her finger. Both would resent being called thieves, or even liars. But neither saw anything wrong with a little deception. "A little lie is like a little pregnancy--it doesn't take long before everyone knows." (C.S. Lewis) "A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who tells lies will not escape." (Proverbs 19:5) "But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers ...