That's right. Stop reading. Of course to find the reason why, you must keep reading. Bear with me a moment, please. Marcus Aurelius left himself a note at the beginning of his personal journal, a note to himself, that simply says, "throw away your books." Another Roman senator wrote to his friend encouraging him to stop gorging himself on books. What kind of advice is this? How is one to learn, to gain wisdom if one does not read? Is experience enough? Do we have enough resources within reach without reading? We are drowning in information and a high percentage of that information means absolutely nothing. Among other things, this very blog bears a number of posts regarding reading and I confess that I've done my part in contributing to--well, let's just say, "the pile." What do we have the ancients did not? The internet, blogs, magazines, e-zines, newspapers, and going a step further, various forms of media that include the news, entertainmen...