Three New Additions To My Desk

Actually, it’s an ad-duck-tion. I missed the perfect opportunity to say, “and they’re in a row, too!” Silly goose. 

Great Prayer Day (Denmark)

Next time you eat a “Danish,” repent.

Great Prayer Day is a Danish holiday that began in the 1600’s. The liturgical calendar was packed with days of prayer and repentance and someone got the idea (difficult to pinpoint “who”, as many countries share the same calendar) that it would be easier to condense all these days into one; hence, the “Great” of the Prayer Day. Danish bakers particularly sought to make life easier for their customers by making special loaves that could be easily warmed on the Prayer Day--less work, more prayer. 

Make certain to spend time today and every day before the Lord, keeping “short accounts.” Repentance means turning from sin to the finished work of Christ by faith. God forgives those who repent. We pray because He loves to hear from those who are His children by faith.

Enjoy a Danish, and enjoy time with God today!

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