chapelblog:Colossians 3:22-25, "Excellence as workers"


What kind of worker are you? We work hard in our studies and work hard for a living, sometimes doing both simultaneously. How well are we accomplishing what is expected? What is the Christian work ethic?

I. What is work: Obedience to the ones we are obligated to serve.

The master is the term of the contract or the person who tells what is expected that should be done. There is no democracy when this kind of relationship is underway. Rationalizing is not obedience. Questioning assumptions can be dangerous because short-cuts will catch up to you. If you agree to do the work, all you can do is obey.

II. How to work:

A. Not for eye-service when you are not being watched. What is the basis of your sense of dedication and motivation? Must someone stand over you or can you do it alone?

B. Work with a sincere heart as to the Lord.

III. Why work

A. Heavenly reason

1. God will reward your work. Above and beyond what you receive as monetary wages.

2. To give a testimony to what Christ is doing.

B. Earthly reason I Tim 6:1-2

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