It’s OK to be disappointed and depression should have its run but both are not meant to
be dwelling places. God does not intend for us to stay “down.” The Corinthian
church was disappointed with the apostle Paul because he said he would come
visit and he did not show up. Sadly, they held his absence against him.
What they did not know is the reason Paul did not come when he said he
would. Paul wrote them:
“For we do not want you to be unaware, brothers, of the affliction
we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength
that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the
sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who
raises the dead. He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver
us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again. You also must
help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing
granted us through the prayers of many.” [2 Co 1:8-11 ESV]
We don’t
have many details about Paul’s delay, but here’s what we do know. The Philips
translation reads, “we were completely overwhelmed; the burden was more
than we could bear; in fact we told ourselves that this was the end.”
- “we
were burdened beyond measure, above strength,” In other words,
he was depressed by the experience.
- “we
despaired even of life.” He was in despair, at a loss, out
of resources.
- “we
had the sentence of death in ourselves” If you could ask Paul how
things are going to turn out in the midst of his experience, he would have
answered with two words: “we die.”
Did you
notice in verse 11 that Paul asks for the prayers of those who have
misunderstood the situation? Instead of letting disappointment and depression
divide their relationship, he called them alongside to help. He showed
them grace because he knew they did not have enough information.
Are you
entering the New Year disappointed with someone? Do you have a clear
understanding as to “why”? What can you do to come alongside and help?
Start the
New Year learning from Paul’s example to overcome depression and disappointment:
- Choose
the Lord--set Him before you (Psalm 16:8)
- Change
your company (Ps 1:1-3)
- Confess
your sin (Ps 32:1-3)
- Carry Out
God’s Commands (James 1:22-25)
- Crucify
the Flesh (Gal 5:24)
- Consider
the truth: believe God (Ro 15:13)
- Contain
the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52)
- Communicate
Joy (Prov. 15:32)
- Comfort others (2 Cor 1)