Living Under the Promises of God

Because you are reading through the Bible again this year ;-) here is a great quote for your encouragement:

“God is gracious enough to make promises, and he always keeps the promise He makes. He is a God of steadfast love and faithfulness. Mind you, he does not always fulfill His promises immediately. Abraham and Sarah “died in faith not having received what was promised, but having seen it and greeted it from afar” (Heb. 11:13). That is, although Isaac was born to them in fulfillment of the promise, their seed was not yet numerous, nor was the land given to them, nor were the nations blessed. All God’s promises come true, but they are inherited “through faith and patience” (Heb 6:12). We have to be content to wait for God’s time.”

--John R.W. Stott, “The Living God is a Missionary God.”

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