
Showing posts from October, 2016


Into this Universe, and Why not knowing  Nor Whence, like Water willy-nilly flowing;  And out of it, as Wind along the Waste,  I know not Whither, willy-nilly blowing. Stanza XXXII of “Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” by Edward Fitzgerald (1809–1883)

31 Days Of An Ultimate Fitness Challenge: Day 31 "Get Resources"

I don't know about you, but I like things that are free. Which means you don't need a gym membership to do fitness. It's free. It doesn't cost a dime: to go for a walk, jog or run.  to do squats, push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, or squat thrusts to do yoga to play hard Why spend money when you can do it for free? This is one reason why I would like to close this month's series by providing you with resources to help you keep moving. I've used each of these and each one is outstanding in their own right. SparkPeople (easy to difficult) is a comprehensive site that includes a massive library of resources, training material, nutritional information as well as a fun tracker for all the above. The site contains a Facebook-like community where you can set up your own blog and be encouraged by others who are doing the same as you--changing at your own pace, in your own way. Training programs can be individualized. App available. There is no cost to use ...

Trunk or Treat 2016

at Crossings Community Church Gran'babies! Making sure the candy is good for public distribution Let us begin! The Candy-Keeper--it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it Welcome! \ Burt with Mary Poppins (Pastor Paul and Brenda) More Gran'babies! Hot Dog! It's time to eat!

31 Days Of An Ultimate Fitness Challenge: Day 30 "Get Norris"


31 Days Of An Ultimate Fitness Challenge: Day 29 "Get Down"

Today is another long day, a hot day working at the Fairgrounds and Williams-Brice Stadium for the USC vs. Tennessee football game. Long hours of walking, moving, standing among thousands of people, many of whom don't care a lick in the world about things that really matter. But that's getting my foot onto another soap-box. Sorry. This a small reason why one trains--to do hard things. We don't train to do easy things. We train to do hard things. And when hard things get easy, we train for harder things. There's always going to be one more thing that just a little bit harder than before. Commitment to training affects you perform in real life: working at high levels of output for extended periods of time physically, mentally and/or emotionally; prepares for responding (not reacting) to both the known and the unknown; finding a way to make things work, with or without resources; thrive, because you don't always win; be strong without the n...

31 Days Of An Ultimate Fitness Challenge: Day 28 "Get Digging"

Sometimes, no matter what you feel, you gotta do it anyway. That's why it's called "training". Life comes at us with more surprises than what's expected, so we must be ready. No matter how we feel, something's gonna happen. Be ready. So train. Get yourself prepared to respond. That's how we stay ahead of the game. That's what fitness is all about--being ready. So dig. Dig deep. Today, I really don't feel "it" but I'm gonna do it. Still achy, still moving a little slow, but gonna do it. It's gonna be tough. It's gonna be hard. It's gonna hurt. But I'm gonna do it. I don't like the idea of it. Might rather prefer to be doing something else, but I'm gonna do it. Because that's how one gets stronger. Dig deep. Reach down in there, find it, pull it out and give it all you got.

31 Days Of An Ultimate Fitness Challenge: Day 27 "Get Away"


31 Days Of An Ultimate Fitness Challenge: Day 26 "Get Tylenol"

Because some days, you just need it. After yesterday's WOD, I'm feelin' it. But pain is not bad. Pain tells me I've done something and I'm getting stronger. You know the old saying: "pain is weakness leaving the body." I know a guy who comes to the gym and, I admit, he's moving, but he will not allow himself to break a sweat. If he starts to sweat, he stops. I'm sure he has his reasons, but I'm not one to judge. At least he's there regularly and he's moving. Me? I'm all for faster, harder. I'm not ashamed to push my limits now and look for pain relief later. It's ok to hurt! Today, I did the Freeletics WOD called "Ares" which was 5 rounds of: 7 Pull-ups 7 Sit-ups 100 meter run (modified up from 80 m)

31 Days Of An Ultimate Fitness Challenge: Day 25 "Get Back"

Back in the saddle, that is. However you fell off, get back on. That's how you train. You get on until you stay on. Today, I'm back in full swing.  Completed 150 each of burpees, squats and sit-ups. Gonna feel that later.

31 Days Of An Ultimate Fitness Challenge: Day 23 "Get Hungry"


Where I've Been All Week

Today is the last day of the South Carolina State Fair, where I've been working security for the last 12 days. It's been a fun, amazing time, hours and hours of very hard work but the weather's been perfect, and the staff are awesome. I'd do this again, without question. Here are snapshot of the week. Enjoy!